iPhone 14: Naming Convention and Versions

One of the key marketing strategies that we’ve noticed Apple use is that they never release just a single version of a product. They often release at least two versions, and in the case of iPhones, usually three. Here is what we know about what the iPhone 14 is going to be called, and the number of versions that Apple plans to release for this edition.  

Naming Convention

Most fans of the Apple brand might expect Apple to at least reveal the name of their iPhone model. But in reality, even the name of the model remains under wraps, and we will only find out once Apple makes the announcement. Apple has always been very careful to keep information about their upcoming products. They usually keep to a set yearly schedule where new products are announced in September and then released by October. And so, we can only speculate at this point about what the 2022 model is going to be called. Most Apple fans know that the iPhone 12 was just released before the end of 2020. Insider information indicates that Apple plans to release another set of mobile phones this year, and all factors point to this series not including iPhone 14. However, as per tradition, they didn’t mention what the model name is. If, and that’s a big if, Apple chooses to name this 2021 model as iPhone 13, then most likely the 2022 model will be called iPhone 14. But of course, we don’t know if Apple would choose to release a smaller version of the iPhone 12 this year in 2021. In this case, the 2021 model will be called something like iPhone 12s or iPhone 12 Pro. We can then expect the model to be released in 2022 as the iPhone 13.  


There’s also speculation that the iPhone 14 will have three variations, just like the iPhone 12. The iPhone 12 had a standard version plus two premium versions called Pro and Pro Max. There is a very high probability that the iPhone 14 will have three models as well. Although there is currently no information as to the naming convention for each model, or the difference in features. We’re not even certain if the 2022 version will be called the iPhone 14, since it could well be the iPhone 13 series or smaller versions of the iPhone 12.  The only thing that’s certain of is that there is an iPhone 14 in the lineup. We’re just not sure if it will be released in 2022.  

Features to Expect from iPhone 14

Most people don’t mind waiting over a year for the release of the iPhone 14. But most people are already brimming with curiosity about what this upcoming series has to offer. Will it have better specs? How much will it cost? And so, we’ve compiled whispers from all over the internet to give you a picture of what to expect.  

Titanium Casing

An Apple investor who receives insider updates has indicated a change in material for the upcoming iPhones. This information seems to indicate that the upcoming models will use titanium instead of aluminum or stainless steel. Other sources indicate that Apple’s long-time supplier Foxconn will be in charge of supplying the titanium components. According to the leaked information, the company plans to use titanium alloy, a combination of titanium and other metals. Titanium alloy is known to be stronger and more scratch-resistant than stainless steel.  

No Notch

If you own an iPhone X or iPhone XS, you’re probably familiar with the notch. It’s the black part atop the screen that houses the speakers, camera, and sensors for Face ID technology. Face ID, for those who don’t know, is Apple’s very own facial recognition technology. The notch is a design concept that first appeared on Samsung phones, and Apple adopted it. As it turns out, consumers weren’t too happy about the design choice, and Apple now considers it as a “design flaw.” Sources claim that Apple intends to ditch the notch for a more subtle, punch-hole design. It got its name from the fact that it looks like a small black dot that sits atop the phone screen. This design is a staple on Android phones. It was popularized by Samsung with its Galaxy phones. The punch-hole design is smaller and less distracting than the notch, and it won’t stick out from the screen surface. Sources from Nikkei have said that they believe the punch-hole design will only be implemented in the higher-end version of the iPhone 14. In other words, the notch will still be present for the standard version of the iPhone 14. The source says the move depends on whether Apple will be able to meet its production targets. If they meet those targets with the iPhone 14, then the models that come after it will have the punch-hole design.  

5G Technology

Another very persistent rumor indicates that Apple products are going 5G. As per a report from Nikkei, all iPhone products starting in 2022 will have support for 5G. For those who don’t know, 5G is the latest and most powerful network standard for mobile phones. This is like the mobile version for the latest Wi-Fi standard. 5G will bring about more effective and efficient mobile network performance. It will allow users to send data at higher volume, faster speeds, and increased reliability. This same technology also presents an advantage for watching streaming content on your iPhone. It’s a great support system for Apple TV or the newly expanded streaming service, Apple One. It will also allow more connected devices than the existing 4G network. This makes it the perfect pillar for the internet of things (IoT) devices.  

Wireless Charging

One of the key developments to the iPhone 12 was MagSafe. MagSafe is a magnetic charging system that relies on electrical induction to transfer power. An external MagSafe charger has a circular charging plate that can connect to the back of the iPhone. It also has a cord that can attach to an adaptor that you can plug into the wall. Apple watchers expect MagSafe to be present in the upcoming iPhone models. However, it seems likely that Apple will change the location of the charging port. They will likely move it from the back of the iPhone to its bottom. As it is, the plate-like charging base looks a little bulky and hard to store. It’s likely that Apple will replace it with something that looks more like the standard USB-C type cable, except with a magnetic tip. This magnetic tip will latch onto a magnetic crevice at the bottom of the iPhone to charge it.  

No Lightning Cables

The iPhone 12 may have debuted MagSafe, but it seems Apple isn’t ready to make the switch over to it. Case in point, the iPhone 12 package still came in with the standard set of cables, including the lightning cable. It didn’t carry a MagSafe charger, and you need to purchase it separately from the Apple store. The fact that they haven’t completely eliminated the lightning port means that Apple still isn’t ready to make the jump. If the Apple watchers’ assumptions are correct, then we are looking at the end for the lightning cable. The lightning cable made its first appearance back in 2012, and it may be the right time for it to retire. In all likelihood, the lightning cord will be replaced with a Qi wireless charger or MagSafe charger.  The iPhone 14 will also likely replace the bottom charging port with a magnetic one to accommodate the wireless charger. There is a catch, though. The MagSafe charger seems to be slower at charging than the traditional lightning port. The most that the iPhone 12 could pull from it was 15W, while it could pull 20Wfrom the lightning port. When tested on a 30-minute charge, the MagSafe only yielded 39 percent power. Meanwhile, the 20W charger yielded 50 percent power. It would be great if Apple could improve the charging capacity of MagSafe before the release of the iPhone 14.  

No Power Bricks

Another notable change with the iPhone 12 is that it didn’t come with a power block. According to Apple, they will no longer include power blocks in upcoming models in order to reduce waste. They are working with the assumption that most people have spare power blocks in their houses, and they want to encourage people to reuse their old power blocks. As such, we can already expect the iPhone 14 models to no longer include a power block.  

Camera Improvements

It’s also rumored that iPhone 14 will get a better camera than the iPhone 12. Reports indicate that the upgrade will have to do with the camera’s auto-focus features. However, there are no numbers to demonstrate the level or degree of improvements to be made. Meanwhile, the rear camera will get an improvement too. It will offer much sharper images at 48 MP compared to the 12 MP of iPhone 12. It will also feature a pixel of 1.7 µm (microns), which is pretty standard among Android phones. However, don’t be deceived by the 48-MP label. There’s a possibility that the image quality will be the same as the standard 12 MP, just slightly clearer and with more detail. Reportedly, Apple will put in an algorithm to process the photos to improve their quality but it won’t necessarily be in ultra-HD quality. Insider information also points to the iPhone 14 getting an upgrade for its video recorder. As the rumor goes, it will be the first to feature 8K video quality.  

Screen Sizes

As per the same informer from Nikkei, the iPhone 14 models will have a screen size that ranges between 6.1 to 6.7 inches. The iPhone 12 had a screen size of 6.1 inches. This is also the screen size for the iPhone XR and XE. The report indicates there will be some variation in screen sizes for models to be released in 2022. Perhaps there will be two models with a 6.1-inch screen while the last model will feature a 6.7-inch screen. The report also predicts that there won’t be any 5.4-inch models to be released in 2022. It’s safe to say that there won’t be an iPhone 14 Mini.  

iPhone 14 Release Date

Apple is known to follow a very strict schedule when it comes to product releases. As per tradition, they unveil new products in September of each year then launch the products by October. As such, Apple is expected to make an announcement about the product by September of 2022. Given that there’s usually a month gap between the announcement date and release date, spectators expect iPhone 14 to be released by October 2022. Nevertheless, Apple fans would have to anticipate the schedule being moved backward. If there was anything we learned from the events of 2020, it is that schedules and plans don’t always work out. In the case of iPhone 12, the Covid-19 pandemic had offset production schedules, and the announcement was pushed back by a month. So was the release. While the probability of delays for 2022 is much smaller, it is never zero.  

iPhone 14 Price

Estimates vary, but Apple watchers have pegged the price range for the iPhone 14 series to be anywhere between USD 900 to USD 1,000. This estimate takes into account the starting and ending price for the iPhone 14 range. Actual prices will still depend on the particular model, features, and amount of storage that you get. We also can’t help but compare the price structure of the iPhone 12 with the iPhone 14. The prices for iPhone 12 lineup are as follows: iPhone 12 Mini (USD 729), iPhone 12 (USD 829), iPhone 12 Pro (USD 999), and the iPhone 12 Pro Max (USD 1099). The starting price of the iPhone 14 lineup is already the price of the higher-end iPhone 12. The comparison tells us that the iPhone 14 range will be more expensive overall than the iPhone 12. It also tells us that higher-end iPhone 14 models may cost more than is estimated. As mentioned, Apple plans not to release a Mini version for the iPhone 14 lineup. Instead, they plan to release a 6.7-inch version to stand in for the Mini. Based on the report, this phone will be the cheapest in the lineup at USD 900. While these price estimates could be true, there’s really no way for us to know until the big reveal. So, better take this information with a grain of salt as it could be proven wrong. There’s also the possibility that iPhone 14 prices will go higher than estimated if they add more features. You would also have to account for additional expenses like sales taxes and shipping.  

Final Thoughts on the iPhone 14

There is still a long way to go before the release of the iPhone 14, yet Apple is already bracing for record-breaking demand. This level of trust and anticipation is exclusively afforded to Apple, and for good reason. Apple has never failed to uphold a high standard of quality, and they innovate at every turn. This is the spirit that has earned them the top spot in the mobile market and the very thing that has earned them the trust of millions. At the end of the day, there is plenty to look forward to with the iPhone 14. Now, all we have to do is to sit back and wait for the product to speak for itself. If you love all components that Apple makes, then you better check out this latest Apple M1 chip and its features. 

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